
Monday, October 25, 2010


No Wade! Sorry. Check out your assignment below.

See you tomorrow.

Exercise: Elements & Principles of Design

Your challenge is to find and harvest photographs from the web that exemplify the elements and principles of design. To succeed at this task you need a clear understanding of the elements and principles of design. Save images to your folder on the desk top and be sure to rename your files as the element or principle they represent.

Exercise: Elements of Design

Elements of Design are the building blocks of art. They are the components that are used to make an image. The basic elements are Color, Form, Line, Shape, Space, Texture and Value.

the absorption or reflection of the light spectrum

the actual or illusion of a three-dimensional shape

the connection of two points

an enclosed area; either organic or geometric

the area filled (our empty) within a piece of art

how something feels or appears to feel

the range of dark to light

all photos found at

Exercise: Principles of Design

Principles of Design
are how those elements/components are arranged to create a complete piece of art. The basic principles are Balance, Contrast, Emphasis, Movement, Pattern, & Scale.

the even distribution of visual weight

opposition of elements of art, for example: light vs. dark

establishing a focal point

the illusion of activity which leads the viewer’s eye

repetition or consistency of an art element

the size relationship of the objects within a piece of art

all photos found at

Monday, October 18, 2010

Sorry I Am Out...

...but I am.

Finish up your illustration for balance. You should also start your illustration for pattern. You should be using the same object you did for balance. See you Wednesday!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Homework: Elements and Principles of Design

The next project is going to focus on the elements and principles of design. Therefore, it might be a good to know what they are. Please define the elements of design and the principles of design. Then find AND define 7 elements of design AND 7 principles of design.

Definitions need to be hand written. Be sure to cite your source to receive full credit. Failure to cite will lead to a drop of a full letter grade.