
Monday, September 6, 2010

Say "Hello"

For your first comment assignment I work like you to simply leave a comment, in which you say "Hello."

A few key points to remember...

To comment, you must use the "Name/URL" login, but you should not fill in a URL.

Always make sure that you use your first name and last initial. Anonymous comments will be deleted.

Simply doing what I say will only get you a "B." Creativity will always boost your grade!


ryan m. said...

hello mr wade.

anthony spaziani said...

hello! the song of the day is "Grey Street" as performed by the Dave Matthews Band

Leandro S said...

Hello Mr. Wade. I feel like this is going go be a good year! =D

Kaitlin A. said...

Hello. Can we do all our assignments like this?

Unknown said...

Yerrrp. hello I have a blue wire annoying my space atm -___-

Colin D said...

Hello, I am excited to have tomorrow off from school.

dimitre h said...

hello,its to hot in this room

martkeidavis said...

hello,its pretty hot in here cant wait till the seasons change

Miriam said...

Hello :)

SO.. there are 176 days left of school.. I', thinking this is going to be my favorite class all year.. and no I'm not just saying that. -_-

LeeLee wants to party :)

karon d said...

hello i wish it winter time because its hot in this room

Tom M said...

Hello Mistah. Yesterday after class I was unhappy at the vacancy of the chocolate milk machine at lunch though I am skeptical as to whether or not they have restocked it for today.

Victoria S. said...

Oh heyyy W(m)r. Wade hey :)

ericespinal said...

hello , i think these apple computers are niceee

martkeidavis said...

hello,its pretty hot in here cant wait till the seasons change

Marcelo D said...

hello. im marcelo, celo for short

Rachel K said...

hello! I like this blogging/commenting thing :) and these computers are ginormous! (that's giant and enormous put together in case you didn't get that)

Dianna M. said...

Hello. i'mm turning 16 o sunday.

Matt =P said...

Sup Mr. Wade, hopefully it's not gonna be so hot too much longer...
<("-.-")> =)P

JessicaC said...

Hello. I came from New York.

jhenny V. said...

hello my b-day is coming 10-02 yeiiii can't wait...